CONTACT: Colby Turner
Oct. 29, 2020
Time: 30 seconds
Bean-throwing Festival to Take Place at MTSU
Have you ever wanted to experience another culture’s holidays first-hand? Then you might want to consider attending the Middle Tennessee State University Japan Club’s free Setsubun (SET-soo-boon) celebration.
Faculty adviser Ryoko Poarch (ree-YO-ko Porch) says that this event is a good educational experience for people wanting to learn about Japanese culture. Members of the club will be able to participate in the popular soybean-throwing tradition, where beans are thrown at people wearing demon masks to ward off bad luck.
The event will take place on Friday, October 30th, beginning at 3 p.m. The event will be in room 3-0-1 of the Boutwell Dramatic Arts building on M-T-S-U’s campus. For more information, check the club’s Instagram at-mtsu-japan-club.